New York Knicks
We Here (Playoffs Campaign)


Flashback to 2021: The Knicks hadn’t been The Knicks for a long time.

They shuttered their doors to countless coaches and rosters.
Had an eight-season-long hibernation without a Playoffs appearance.
And took jabs from Pixar’s Soul. Harsh.
But none of that stopped them.

They turned every ear-splitting critic into crickets;
clinched the 4th seed in the East; 
reignited the city for the team that raised them;
and gave Stephen A. Smith a new phrase to scream across the airwaves.

The Knicks let the world know: We here.


Jack Graham (AD)
Jason Campbell (CCO)
Alex Little and Karsten Jurkschat (GCD)
Nick Divers (ED)
Michael K Williams (VO)

Clio - Gold (Direct)
Clio - Silver (Film)
Clio - Bronze (Public Relations)
Clios Shortlist x 2
Sold out the Garden every Playoff game.

This was a COVID Production.


Instead of using action-packed photography, we went for a stripped-back and raw aesthetic. Gritty and grainy.
The look and feel represents these Knicks and how quietly disruptive they’ve been all season.


Some things we also had a hand in and some that we didn’t.
Oh, and the Memphis Grizllies fully stole “We Here” for their Playoffs appearnce a year later. Flattering.

From PDX. Based in NYC.